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Application of Air Conditioning Unit with High Efficiency Filter in Clean Room Area B

Application of Air Conditioning Unit with High Efficiency Filter in Clean Room Area B

Clean room level B with high-efficiency filter air-conditioning unit application, this method has many problems, such as fan selection, pressure selection, room pressure difference adjustment, etc., ask what you have to do with this method.

At present, the company is planning to build a new clean factory building. For the key area B district, the consulting company recommends that the combined air-conditioning units use two units, each with its own new wind treatment system, and each of the two units runs 50 % of the wind during normal operation. If one unit needs repair or failure, the other immediately opens 100 % operation mode to ensure clean area air delivery.

You can run 100 % on one and not on the other, but they're connected to the same main air duct, and the water pipe is okay, so why do you need to run 50 % of each, and the 100-level air-conditioning fan needs to run 24 hours a day, and the probability of failure is very small. Now the company's 100 fan motor has been used for 10 years is no problem, if the spare fan has not been used, worried that many parts can not operate when suddenly used.

This paper discusses the arrangement of clean air conditioning system, pressure difference control in each room, new air volume and its treatment, and the air flow organization of different rooms. In particular, the method of strengthening the air supply by means of local laminar air transport ceiling is adopted to form unidirectional air flow organization in key areas of the pharmaceutical technology to improve the air cleanliness in key areas, so that the air-conditioning system can reduce the system energy consumption while creating a high cleanliness indoor climate.

Standards and Related Codes /

Nowadays, air filters are more and more used in air conditioning ventilation systems. The service life is one of the indicators that people care about when choosing air filters. However, it is difficult to predict the service life of air filters in practice, so it is usually evaluated by the amount of dust capacity.

The dust capacity can only be qualitatively and not quantitatively reflected the actual weight of the air filter. At the same time, only the test conditions and methods are the same, and the length of life of different filters can be evaluated based on the dust capacity data.

Due to various reasons, in the past ten years, all professional laboratories and filter manufacturers in the country have rarely conducted dust storage tests. At present, the industry standard JG/T22 -1999 "General Air Filter Performance Test Method for Ventilation" is being revised. The test method for dust tolerance is one of the key points of the revision. This paper introduces and compares the definition and test methods of dust volume in four typical air filter performance test methods including JG/T22 -1999, ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 -1992, European EN779:2002, Japanese JIS B9908:2001, etc.. Analysis to help the revision of the national standard.

1 Description of dust cover in national standards

In JG/T22 -1999, the amount of dust capacity is defined as the total amount of artificial dust intercepted by the tested filter before reaching the termination condition of the test, which is calculated by multiplying the total dust mass of the artificial dust by the average weight efficiency of the tested filter; The test method for dust capacity is to send a certain amount of artificial dust through the dust emission device to a standard test duct equipped with a test filter and an end filter(usually an efficient filter) until the test filter and end filter are removed after the artificial dust has been sent. The weight is weighed separately, and the mass variation is obtained, so that the test filter weighing efficiency is calculated, the above steps are repeated until the test filter reaches the final resistance value, and then the average weighing efficiency of the entire test process is calculated. Finally, the dust capacity of the test filter is obtained by multiplying the average weight efficiency by the total amount of dust emitted.

EN 779: The definition of dust capacity and the test method of dust capacity in 2002 are almost identical to those of JG/T22 -1999, and ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 -1992 are only different from JG/T22 -1999 in terms of the termination conditions of the dust content test. Other elements are also consistent; The JIS B9908: In addition to the different termination conditions and calculation methods of the dust tolerance test in 2001, the other elements are similar to those of JG/T22 -1999. Therefore, there are some differences between the test termination condition and the calculation method. Table 1 lists the termination conditions and calculation methods for each standard dust tolerance test.


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Add: Chengdu Gaoxin West District Science and Technology Park

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